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Creativity: We'll do whatever it takes to reach people for Jesus.

We want to remove any barrier people have from hearing about Jesus. Sometimes this means reaching people in creative ways such as:

  • Fireworks displays

  • Classic rock or country songs

  • Opening a coffee shop

  • Starting a Christian daycare

  • Launching our Church Partnerships initiative.


Community: Authentic relationships create on-going life change.

We understand. StoneBridge is a big church – that’s why we aim to grow smaller through groups and serving teams. By joining a serve team, you’ll find yourself in a community of others who are serving and growing in their faith together. Community is important for EVERY age, so we offer small group experiences in our kids and youth ministries as well.

Group opportunities include:
Rooted Experience | Groups | Celebrate Recovery | GriefShare


Excellence: Honor God, Inspire People.

We don’t compromise. In all our worship services and programming, we want to do everything to the best of our abilities to honor God. Through the excellence we seek, we hope to inspire people to choose to follow God and use their gifts and talents to honor him.


Service: Serving others with the gifts and abilities God has given us.

Everyone has gifts and abilities to serve God through our time, talent, and giving. 

Serving happens in teams in many areas of ministry, including: kids, youth, first impressions, worship & tech, security, building & grounds.

We also serve outside of our doors through our local mission partners as well as by facilitating global mission trips. God also calls us to give and he continues to fulfill our mission of Sharing Christ, Building Believers through your giving.


Advancement: Not only in our lives, but in the life of our church.

A question we are asked a lot is, “Why do we need to keep building new buildings or launch new campuses?” The answer is simple; we need to make more room for your family and friends. If people don’t know Jesus, we need to create space for them to hear about him! We are a growing church for this very reason.


You: Organized for the people who aren't here yet.

StoneBridge is not designed to serve the members; it is oriented and organized to serve new people that walk through our doors. Sharing Christ is first in our mission statement because we understand the call we have to continually Share Christ.