
You are welcome here!

We believe every follower of Jesus has a next step, and we hope we can help you take yours.

Friends often get to know each other over sharing a meal, so we’d love to have that opportunity with you. “First Steps” is a gathering for those who are new around here or those who are wanting to get more involved.

You belong here.


Next Gathering: SUNDAY, JANUARY 26


  • Hear from our pastors as they share their heart & vision

  • Discover specific areas that are right for you and your family

  • Get to know pastors, volunteers, and other newcomers like yourself

What to Expect

Before our gathering, we’ll send you an email that outlines when to arrive and what to expect! Our gatherings typically include sharing a meal and getting to know each other, hearing from our pastors on the mission and vision of our church. At the end, we gather to close out the gathering and talk about next steps.