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We are a mission-minded church. We send and support evangelistic and benevolent missions throughout the world. We encourage our finest people to accept the call to Share Christ around the world. All persons of all races have been created in the image of God and stand in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

The church exists to serve the world. Therefore we send evangelists to Share Christ to the world. We participate in efforts to improve community life. We want to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, offer hospitality to the stranger, clothe the naked, minister to the sick, and visit the imprisoned, as Jesus instructed.

Missions is so much more than going on a missions trip. Everything we do at StoneBridge is missional. We do this by launching multisite campuses in local communities, partnering with local churches, serving our local communities, responding to disaster relief and current events, and serving globally. 

Multisite Campuses

First and foremost, we are a multisite church! Missions is in our DNA. We launched 3 multisite campuses and have an online campus. We understand meeting people where they are. As we see needs in communities, we have put together launch teams of about 100 people and have them plant a multisite to serve and invest locally. We have done this in the Millard and Benson areas of Omaha, and Fremont, NE so far!

Church Partnerships

Our vision is to partner with the Christian Church in Nebraska and surrounding communities to encourage, support, and empower church growth and vitality. This is a part of our missions strategy. We want to be a friend to the local church and support in any way we can!

Disaster Relief/Current Events

We want to be prepared to respond to the needs locally and globally. Our church comes together to respond financially and to be hands and feet on the ground. 

  • Joplin, MO and Pilger, NE tornadoes

  • Nebraska Flooding

  • Ukraine Support

  • Assisting churches with natural disasters (Florida)


Mission Trips provide opportunities to serve people outside of the Omaha metro area.

Some trips involve physical labor like cutting wood or building homes, while others provide opportunities to work with children or minister more directly to adults. Every trip is different, but the goal of each is the same: to demonstrate God's love in concrete, tangible ways to a world that desperately needs it. For more information regarding upcoming Mission Trips, contact Lyndsey Deyoe

  • Mexico Trip (Every year on President’s Day Weekend)

  • Ecuador Trip (Every 3 years - Next Trip: 2025)

  • India Trip (Every 3 years - Next trip: TBD)

  • Nicaragua Trip (Every 3 years - Next Trip: TBD)

  • Israel Discipleship Trip (Every 4 years - Next Trip: TBD)

  • Paul’s Missionary Journey Trip (Every 4 years - Next Trip: TBD)

Dates Subject to Change


Each of our campuses partner with a local organization by serving regularly

We serve regularly with each of our mission partners.
For more information, contact your Campus Pastor

Upcoming Opportunities


Mission Partners


Working with local and global partners is one more way that StoneBridge accomplishes its mission of Sharing Christ and Building Believers. To learn how you can partner with these ministries through StoneBridge, contact Lyndsey Deyoe.

Location: India

Mid India seeks to transform lives throughout India and beyond.


Location: Mexico, South Africa, and the USA
 For the last thirty years, Amor Ministries' main purpose has been to provide adequate housing for needy families in order to keep families together! Amor Ministries does more than just make life easier for a family in need. They open hearts to truly see the grace and love of Jesus by providing security, safety, and stability. Amor supplies materials, staff and connections with local churches to provide the guidance and tools for volunteer groups to build a two-room home in a matter of three or four days. In 30 years, over 16,000 homes have been built and numerous lives changed.

Location: Global - 25 Countries

Compassion International is a child-advocacy ministry that pairs compassionate people with those who are suffering from poverty. The ministry releases children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. The goal is for each child to become a responsible and fulfilled adult.

Location: joplin, mo

Many people want to serve God and make a difference with their lives, but they aren’t sure where to start. Ozark Christian College prepares students for the kingdom assignment God has for them. Ozark’s 15,000 alumni serve in all 50 states and in 100 countries around the world, carrying the gospel to every corner of the globe as ambassadors for Christ.