Serving in KidMin: Pat Kirby's Story

Pat Kirby teaching on a Sunday morning

Pat Kirby teaching on a Sunday morning

Here at StoneBridge, we’re blessed to have many incredible volunteers who step up and give their time and energy to our ministries. One of the most critical ministries we offer is KidMin, Kid’s Ministry (birth - 5th grade).  

The elementary school years are a crucial time for kids to learn about Jesus and what He can do in their lives. Essentially, KidMin allows us to build a bridge between our children and God. KidMin volunteers like Pat Kirby make the early years of our kids’ Christian journey all the more impactful.

Pat, who works as general manager at McNeil Company homebuilders, has been working with KidMin at StoneBridge for the past 14 years. 

“I first started teaching when StoneBridge moved into the new building, about 14 years ago,” he says. “Other than a few times a year, if I happen to be out of town or sick, I try to serve every week.” 

How Pat Got His Start in KidMin

When he first signed up to volunteer, Pat had no experience working with kids. At first, he was apprehensive. But Marty Wood, a member of Pat’s small group, approached him about joining the ministry anyway.

KidMin Large Group Experience

KidMin Large Group Experience

“My wife and I had just joined a small group, which was a new experience for us,” Pat says. “Marty was a large group volunteer in KidMin. 

“He came up to me one day and said he’d been praying and thinking about it, and he thought I really belonged there, serving alongside him.” 

Pat wasn’t convinced. But, he says, “Marty is a charismatic guy, and it’s really hard to tell him no.” 

At the time, Pat felt as though he wasn’t really qualified, and he felt like he didn’t belong. He had kids of his own, but he wasn’t sure how he was going to navigate working with other peoples’ children--much less teaching them. 

When it was time to choose what age group he wanted to volunteer with, Pat chose fourth grade. His daughter, Hannah (now 22), was in the fourth grade at the time. 

“I had read an article that talked about how 70% of kids stop attending church by their early teens. It was my chance to share Christ with Hannah and other kids her age, before it was too late.” 

According to Pat, KidMin is the last stop on the tracks before moving into youth ministry and the teen years. He says he felt a sense of urgency around teaching older elementary students about Christ in their stage of life.

Kids in Pat’s 4th/5th grade class

Kids in Pat’s 4th/5th grade class

Rebuilding Faith After Past Trauma

When Pat was a teenager, he didn’t attend church. Trauma he’d experienced as a child was a huge factor in that decision. 

“My family was involved in a car accident on our way to church,” he says. “I didn’t attend again until my mid-20s. 

“I spent most of my teen years struggling, wanting to know God but never having any avenue to find Him.”  

Pat’s wife and some of the elders at Keystone Bible Chapel, where they attended before StoneBridge, studied with him and prayed for him over the years. He credits God’s grace and their patience with his journey for helping him rekindle his relationship with God. 

Through KidMin, Pat especially wants to reach kids who are dealing with difficult circumstances and home lives. 

“My goal has always been that we can make it easier for kids, like me, who might be struggling,” he says. “Maybe it can help make a difference and plant seeds of faith.” 

He notes he’s always looked at serving in ministry like being a farmer--planting seeds that later grow into a full harvest. 

Should You Volunteer in KidMin, Too? 

If you’re wondering whether you should get involved with KidMin here at StoneBridge, Pat says you’ll have plenty of opportunities to make memories and impact lives. He has been able to share in the baptisms of many kids from his classes, and some adults, too. 

“It always feels wonderful to see kids that share our classroom make the choice to follow Christ,” he says. “It's their special day--it’s not about me--but it is still an honor to share it with them.” 

Perry Rehn volunteering with Pat in a KidMin classroom

Perry Rehn volunteering with Pat in a KidMin classroom

In addition, you’ll form deeper bonds with other brothers and sisters in Christ who are ministering alongside you. 

“I have been honored to serve alongside Perry Rehn for a good majority of the time,” he says. “It's fun to feel like you have a good partner to share the experience with--like the good lessons, the struggles, fun winter camps, and everything else that comes along with it.” 

Kids reading the Bible in Pat and Perry’s class

Kids reading the Bible in Pat and Perry’s class

Want to get started as a KidMin or Youth Ministry volunteer?

Get in touch with us at We look forward to helping you get started! 

Lyndsey Deyoe