StoneBridge Fremont

A Friendly Face in a Tight-knit Community

In January 2016, StoneBridge Millard, the first of our multisite campuses, was launched. That April, we embarked on our second campus project when we learned that First Christian Church in Fremont had put its building up for sale. As a fellow Restoration Movement church, we felt called to honor its remarkable, 125-year-long legacy.

Since Fremont was one of the target areas we’d identified when we first set out on this multisite journey, we were thrilled to have the opportunity to make a move so quickly. 

“We always had a dream to be in Fremont,” says Mitch Chitwood, Executive Pastor at StoneBridge. “Once Millard started, we saw the campus was going to work. Fremont felt like an obvious next step.” 

Since we already had a core group of members who live in the Fremont area, we felt confident that we could assemble a launch team of at least 100 to get the new StoneBridge campus started. We knew the space would be ideal for the families we serve, and we already had plans for how we might roll out kid’s programming, in addition to multiple Sunday services.

The StoneBridge leadership team connected with First Christian Church and was able to negotiate a price that felt fair to both churches, and the purchase was finalized in May 2016. Fremont’s campus had a large parking area, more than twice the square footage of the Millard campus, and facilities that we’d be able to renovate and modernize for our future vision. 

We consulted with Mel McGowan and PlainJoe Studios, with whom we’ve collaborated on multiple projects (such as our silo and bridge facade in Omaha) to preserve the original architecture while updating the space. Volunteer construction leaders helped us round out the changes, which included some room expansions, the addition of new restrooms, and a secure kids’ check-in area. 

We also added screens, new lighting, and a sound system to the main auditorium to support video ministry and freshen the existing building. All in all, we preserved the traditional church building look of the Fremont campus while adding some signature StoneBridge design and flair to the structure. 

When the building was ready, it was time to assemble a launch team. Fremont is our furthest campus, but because it’s in a different town, members who lived in the area were eager to jump right in. 

“We found that there was a high ownership by the launch team,” Mitch says. “People wanted to make Fremont happen, so it was an easy launch for us.” 

Meet the Brands: A Fremont Launch Team Family

Kathy Brand and her husband Darold live in Fremont. They started attending StoneBridge Omaha when they learned we planned to open a campus in their hometown. They wanted to get better acquainted with the church, while at the same time participating alongside the launch team as they planned the new campus. 

While attending StoneBridge Omaha, the Brands forged strong friendships and even participated in a Mexico mission trip before Fremont opened its doors. 

“There was a nucleus of us at Omaha who were going to be very involved in getting Fremont off the ground,” Kathy says. “We had a good, strong group of people who lived in Fremont and had planned on being part of the church like we had. And then, some people came out from Omaha to support us.”

The Brands got involved with the Fremont first impressions team right away. They also help with the free little pantry, which they’ve continued to do weekly in the years since the campus opened. Both have remained active, volunteering time and resources, as well as participating in and facilitating a number of groups and Bible studies. They’ve also attended two more Mexico mission trips. 

Successful Launch, Thriving Campus

Before the Fremont campus opened, we hosted a neighborhood block party to introduce ourselves to the community. We were blessed enough to secure a premiere location in town, so we were in a great spot to share our vision with the locals. Quickly, the campus became a stop for other community events, including Halloween festivities and other celebrations throughout the year. 

Leading up to the grand opening in February 2017, we also held prayer and worship nights at the campus. Our team participated in community service projects, such as raking neighbors’ lawns and finding out how we could serve the people in the surrounding neighborhood. Even better, the local government and community leaders got involved, supporting us from the time we purchased the building onward. 

“There was a buzz that StoneBridge was coming,” says Mitch. “I think one of the biggest wins for us was not renting or leasing commercial space. We invested in property, so we were communicating to people that we’re here to stay. It wasn’t a one-year trial. We were committing long-term to having a presence in Fremont.” 

“It really didn't feel like a challenge,” Darold says. “It felt good just to welcome people.” 

These days, Fremont is thriving and growing quickly. According to the Brands, as of this May, there were seven new babies on campus. Although the congregation is smaller overall than StoneBridge Omaha, there are plenty of opportunities to forge relationships and get involved at church. 

“We’re a chatty bunch of people,” Darold says. “We’re all welcoming.” 

Kathy agrees, pitching in: “We get comments from people who visit, or who have attended and come back: I came here because this church is so welcoming and friendly, and people remember my name.”

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