Megan's Baptism Story

In this story series, we’re focusing on some of the life-changing baptism stories that have emerged here at StoneBridge Christian Church. As you’ll see, each story is different, and each person experiences his or her own unique path to Christ. We hope you’ll feel inspired and uplifted through these transformational stories from the StoneBridge community.

Megan Skuya and her husband, Mark, settled in Omaha to raise their children. Megan had been raised in the Lutheran church and was baptized as an infant. But after moving to Omaha she struggled to find a church she fit in and where her family could grow and thrive. 

They found StoneBridge after visiting a few churches. It was close to their home, so they gave it a try. “The first message from

Pastor Mark was that everyone is welcome at StoneBridge, no matter your background or story,” says Megan. “He said, ‘We want you to learn about God and Jesus, and we’re all here for you.’”

This resonated deeply with Megan, who admits that she’d struggled with many personal challenges over the past few years and “wasn't connected with God at that time.”

The pastor’s message on the ups and downs of life was spot-on. Plus, the music was uplifting, and according to Megan, “The people were super-welcoming. It was different.” 

She soon found herself plugged into StoneBridge’s community of moms, as well as the Rooted Experience. Although Megan knew how to pray, the experience’s rhythms taught members how to pray, among other spiritual disciplines. 

Why Not Get Baptized?

Although they had been attending StoneBridge for some time and Megan had begun to deepen her relationship with Christ, she didn’t think she was ready to get baptized. Maybe someday. Just not yet.

And baptism was definitely not on her mind when she and one of her children volunteered to help with the church cleanup day on the weekend before Easter 2023. At one point, Pastor Mark randomly suggested that Megan be baptized on Easter. The notion took her off-guard. 

“What? No!” she exclaimed.

For one thing, she and her husband were planning to dedicate their youngest child in April, and her extended family was going to visit. Wouldn’t that be a better time to consider baptism? 

Pastor Mark dropped the subject until later in the day, when he brought it up again. And once again, Megan refused. 

“Why not?” he asked. 

“Because I want to get my ducks in a row,” Megan answered. “Don’t get me wrong; I really want to get baptized. I just need things to be lined up.”

But Pastor Mark wouldn’t be swayed. “There’s no better time to be baptized than now,” he said. “You don’t need your ducks in a row.”

Surprise! You’re Getting Baptized Next Sunday

The next day at 9:00, Megan and Lily sat in the front row for the first time. Her Rooted friend, Jes, had told her that doing so would be an amazing experience.

Pastor Mark opened his message with, “Thank you for volunteering yesterday for cleanup. I talked to this woman yesterday, and I think she’s gonna get baptized next Sunday. Get signed up! I really think she’s gonna do it!”

He’s talking about me! Megan thought.

She felt like God was speaking to her—like He had even prompted Pastor Mark's announcement. That was all she’d needed to hear. 

Following worship, she told Pastor Mark, “Alright, let’s get this going. Sign me up.”

Out of curiosity, she watched the 10:45 service online. Pastor Mark urged the congregation to sign up to be baptized, telling them that a woman at the 9:00 service had signed up. Already, her decision was being used to inspire others to dedicate their lives to Christ, too. 

Perfect Timing

Easter Sunday was “perfect timing” for her baptism, Megan says. She invited her family to attend or tune into the online service. Her dad, who lives about eight hours away, promised to watch online. 

A couple of days prior to Easter, Megan texted her younger sister about the event. To her surprise, her sister promised to drive to StoneBridge and attend in-person for the baptism. 

“I feel like God put things together in my life,” Megan says.

In other words, He put her ducks in a row for her. 

Now, Megan is strongly devoted to the Lord and her church family. She volunteers as a StoneBridge Kids leader and will help with StoneBridge Youth in fall 2023.

“Things are lining up for me in a very good way,” she says. “I always tell God, ‘Thank you for connecting me with StoneBridge.’ It’s very rewarding.”

The Enduring Impact of A Strong Christian Community

Pastor Mark and Megan’s Rooted group have helped fuel her spiritual growth. She also credits her growth to the two ladies who baptized her: Kristi Bebermeyer and Lyndsey Deyoe. Another strong influence on Megan is her friend, Jes, who also has three children and lives in the Skuyas’s school district.

“They’re really connected with the church, and I can look up to them and ask them questions,” she says. 

Megan urges Christian women to surround themselves with other spiritually-minded women as they grow in faith.

On the Fence?

If you’re undecided about being baptized, Megan has a message for you:

“Just go for it. There’s no better time than now to be baptized. Let God take control. Trust that He has a good path for you.”

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