Online Campus - Rolon Family


 It has been a blessing to attend the Stonebridge Online Campus. “Though the time difference is seven hours, we are still able to tune in- just usually over dinner instead of a cup of coffee like everyone else. We absolutely love getting to worship together as a family.”

Once worship starts you can find their daughter dancing around the living room. “How cool is it to know that though we cannot gather in the same place, we are all singing together, worshiping our God from all over the world,” Nicole said. 

 This has been a different season. By going online, pastors are not preaching to an empty church but the audience has expanded over the ocean and specifically to the Rolon home in Germany. “It brings us a little piece of home, and a little sense of normalcy in this time of uncertainty!”

StoneBridge services have been streamed across the country and world! Nicole Rolon started attending Stonebridge in 2012 after her friend invited her. Two years later she was baptized by our Senior Pastor, Mark, on Easter. Nicole even found a great place to volunteer in Student Ministries. She attended Stonebridge weekly until she joined the Army and left for boot camp. “I loved my time with Stonebridge over the 4 years I was able to attend, and it is truly one of the things I miss most about home”, she said.

 After joining the Army, she met her husband, A.J, and they have a 1 year old daughter, Alaina. Nicole has completed her military commitment. Her husband remains in the Army as a Staff Sergeant, and plans to continue his service through 20 years. After moving to Germany in October of 2018, they attended an 'American style' kind of nondenominational church. “It was nice to be able to find a church, but nothing could replace Pastor Mark or the Stonebridge community,” she shared. 

Lyndsey Deyoe