
At StoneBridge, we believe leading a group is not only about organizing gatherings, but about making a difference in people's lives.

As a group leader, you have the opportunity to walk alongside others, offering support, guidance, and encouragement on their spiritual journey. By fostering an environment of love, acceptance, and growth, you play a vital role in helping individuals become more like Jesus and experience transformation in their lives.


Step 1 - Group Leader Application

Please fill out this simple application so that we can
get to know you and help you take your next steps.

Step 2 - Leader Training

A staff member will follow up about your application. If it is a good fit for the church and for you, a staff member will schedule a training with you.

You can make a difference in someone’s life simply by being available.
At this training we will give you everything you  need to lead well.


Frequently Asked Question

What is a group leader?
A group leader is simply someone who facilitates a group.

What does a group leader do?
Group leaders help lead our church community to become like Jesus, primarily by helping people to connect in an authentic way and by sharing and showing their own faith journey.

What is expected of a group leader?
Group leaders organize and direct their group’s meetings, manage their group’s activity in our database, and connect with other leadership to stay healthy and growing as a leader.

What can group leaders expect from StoneBridge?
All group leaders are provided with content each week to help spark conversation and pursue Jesus together, so that they can focus more on connecting with and caring for the members of their group.
Every leader is also connected to a campus pastor to make sure they are seen, known, supported and challenged.
Message-Based Small Group Guide

How can I start leading a group?
To lead a small group, all you have to do is apply for leadership and attend group leader training.

To lead a Rooted group, you’ll need to participate in a Rooted group first. Once you have completed Rooted as a participant, you can register to lead a Rooted Group on your own.
Leading any other type of Care Group involves an application, evaluation, and interview process, which you can learn more about at a group leader training session.

Have more questions?
If you’ve got a question about leading a group and registering to lead, we’d love to help!
Contact us by email: